Well. Come. Back. | English (& Honest) Gaming

Well. Come. Back.


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If You Like Gaming

Feel free to stop by and have a look at some of the content I (try to) create - all centered around gaming: the love of, the playing of, the understanding of and more of the love of. It's all about love, you see?

Since the halcyon days of the ridiculously amazing (at the time) Atari 2600, through the simply sublime and most bestest and most favouritest ever Commodore 64 years, into the Amiga 1200, with dabbles in Atari ST and Master System and Mega Drive and the NES over the road, into SNES and 19 straight wins with Ryu only using weak kick; onward through Playstation and survival horror and "cross now", into PC gaming; not forgetting Goldeneye and N64 and all the way through XBOX and Playstation to where we are today on the cusp of 2021 - I have gamed. So what's new?

Game on.